Mt. Jordan School Community Council
October 5, 2022 – Minutes
Welcome & call meeting to order/roll call
Present- Mary Hiebing, Marie Seager, Cassie Smith, James Barron, Nicole Jaynes, Ryan Durant, Jana Mumford, Randall Seltz, Valeria Garcia
Excused: Harmony Jones, Britany and Tim Donaldson,
Action Items:
August meeting minutes review
Motion to approve minutes, seconded, and approved unanimously
SCC district training updates/changes:
- Shared activities handout that schools can do but can’t be funded by Land Trust money
- Timeline sheet of topics to be discussed per month
- SCC meetings need to be schedule for December and June meetings and added to school SCC page, can be canceled the meeting prior if deemed not necessary.
- Outline (handout)of what can be discussed at SCC- o Items must be on the agenda prior to discussion
o Handout includes the roles of SCC (we do not make policies- see handout of what SCC does)
o City Council makes policy- sometimes we are confused with them
Data review- (MI/RI Review) TSSP/Land Trust
Review of graph for Fall RI scores and MI scores (Randall Seltz)
o RI from 22-23 we have more advanced and proficient
o more students took it this year – 721 took it out of 771 students
o Last year only 480 students took the RI (not accurate of student population)
o % Proficient is less than last year but we had more kids take this year- more accurate picture because more student population took the test
o We have a lot of English Language Development (ELD) 1 students who speak little English that are below basic in reading. Expected to improve as they continue with their ELD courses.
- The goal for RI is to move 15% to proficiency from Fall to Spring
- The goal for MI is to move 20% to proficiency o Last year they moved 11-12% for reading and 15-16% in math
Budgets (Durant)
TSSP amount for this school year- is $152,099.33
- Have spent roughly $6,462.00
- Most of that is to pay for a teacher and half a counselor
- Increased from last year (120,000 was expected)
There are more ELD 1 students than expected this year. It is over the amount the district recommends per class. At the quarter the class will be split in half. Federal and State Programs will pay for some of the costs to cover the extra cost and would like to use approximately $4,500 from TSSP funds to cover the additional class period.
- An amendment will need to be done to reflect 2 class periods
- This will be presented officially on next month’s agenda- no voting today
- Mr. Durant will complete the addendum form
Land trust- the same as expected in money no amendments needed. We are well allocated.
School Safety – (Mr. Seltz)
- Mr. Seltz coordinates training with teaches on safety drills
- District has asked that the Internal threat (dangerous person in the building) now be done in September/October
- District has videos that teachers show to students then the drill is practiced
- The drill went very well and the building was swept within a matter of minutes
- August – beginning of the year fire drill- evacuated in under 4 minutes- all accounted for in under 10 minutes
- External (shelter in place) will be in November
- There needs to be a drill 10 days after school starts and within 10 days of returning from Winter break
- In a real emergency CSD Communications department sends communications to parents and guardians
Digital Citizenship Presentation- Jana Mumford
House Bill 213 requires digital citizenship in schools at least once a year. The intended outcome is that we all (students, parents, and teachers) have the tools to help everyone be safe online. The district has a 4-step process- presented in the video sent to SCC members prior to this meeting. Things already in place include:
- Acceptable use policy- signed by student, employees, and parents at registration
- Filtering key words into categories &, Content Keeper to block things
- Lan school- to block and filter inappropriate content
- Teachers manage within the classroom
- For issues- the protocol is to isolate chrome book, admin is called, IT is alerted, consequences
- Digital citizenship is the week before fall break
- October- monthly info on Digital Citizenship sent out through parent square
o Suggestions to have these posts be sent separately instead of grouped with other messages from the school on Parent Square.
o Video links requested to be viewed by MJMS SCC
The overview video that’s just over 5 minutes:
The optional more extended version that’s just over 20 minutes:
o Cassie (Parent) also advised the group of “Be Internet Awesome” by Google as a resource.
Counselor’s Report- Ms. Jaynes
- Counselors continued to work on Ds and Fs- checking in with student for end of quarter with 7th and 8th grade students
- Executive functioning skills- organization, planning, emotional regulation
- 6th grade character lessons are once a month- kindness, self-belief, resilience, etc.
- Meeting one-on-one with 6h grader for early warning signs
- Will be going to 7th & 8th grade classes to show them the– Utah Keys to Success website- which has a lot of profile paths- career and college paths
- Jaycee Wickham will be back next week
Faculty Report
Lockdown went well- things to work on include: closing chrome books because they emit light. In two door classrooms students need to be huddled tightly because of the visibility from two sides
- Monthly potluck for staff – team building & employee moral
- Parent teacher conferences went well- good responses and admin was present and helpful
- Math 180 (Land Trust funded), incentives starting up, for students using the software which is part of the school goals
- MI and RI awards given to students (donuts & popsicles)
- Mountaineering awards for student recognitions
- 7th grade after school is packed – Might need another teacher
o Additional tables and chairs will be put out to make room
o Other teachers are interested in joining after school to give help homework help
Community Schools Update-
Vision clinics – had bigger response compared to last year, so did a vision clinic last Thursday (09.29) and finishing up this Thursday (10/6). So far, 17/25 students have been seen and 13 of those 17 got a pair of glasses. They were all so excited about getting them.
Dental clinic – was supposed to happen this past week, but they let me know that they couldn’t find the staffing and have apparently been understaffed for quite some time now. I’m looking into another partner with more consistency but if one isn’t available, then the clinic will be October 31st and November 1st with the original organization we partnered with.
Puertas Abiertas – we are collaborating with Jordan High, Mt. Jordan’s feeder school, to participate in Puertas Abiertas, a (hopefully) bi-monthly resource night for Spanish-speaking families. Dinner is served and there will be Spanish-speaking presenters to speak on a variety of topics. Right now it’s scheduled for Thursday, October 13th.
Thanksgiving Heroes will be launching toward the end of October – the Thanksgiving Heroes organization delivers Thanksgiving meals to families the week of Thanksgiving to cook themselves. I will be sending out signups through Parent Square toward the end of October.
Kid/family needs have increased through the year. As of today, we have:
- 42 kids receiving weekend food bags
- 75 kids/families total receiving services of some sort (not including dental clinic, since it hasn’t happened and isn’t confirmed yet)
Anyone from SCC can email, text or call Lia Batchkoff if they have any questions about any of the resources above that are happening at Mt. Jordan, or if they have questions about any others.
Principal’s Report – Mr. Durant
- Buddy program for ECC classes received 18 students who applied to be a part of the program.
- ECC teachers were wanting enough students to participate where each of one the ECC students had their own buddy, and that has occurred.
- Parents asked about begin able to submit late applications.
- Parents discussed ways in which communication to parents and students could be better in order to receive a better response, i.e-google doc.
Meeting Schedule Recap- James Barron
Meeting should be scheduled every month to include short months like December and June. It will need to be added to the website. Meetings will continue to each month the 1st Wednesday of every month.
o Next meeting is November 2, 2022 @ 5:00 PM
o James Baron to send a calendar invite to SCC members
Motion to adjourn, seconded
Meeting closed at 6:11