9351 South Mountaineer Lane, Sandy, UT 84070

Main Office 801-826-7400

Attendance Office 801-826-7411

Counseling Center 801-826-7407

Mount Jordan Middle School SCHOOL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES 2024-2025

Mount Jordan Middle School                         


http://mountjordanmiddle.canyonsdistrict.org  (801)-826-7400

Welcome to Mount Jordan Middle School! The administration and faculty at Mount Jordan believe that an important part of being a successful middle school is helping our students make a smooth transition between elementary school and high school. College and Career Readiness is a key component to preparing for a successful transition and we support this priority through our AVID program. We strongly believe that if classroom practices and expectations can be aligned school wide, our students will be more organized and successful.  In an effort to streamline this organizational process, the faculty and administration at Mount Jordan Middle School will support the following school-wide policies:

Climber’s Code:

Be a Contributor

Be There, Be Ready

Be Safe

Students are expected to follow the Climber’s Code in all areas of the building, including classrooms, gym, cafeteria, hallways, auditorium, library, restrooms, computer labs, and on all Canyons School District buses.  Consequences for positive and negative behaviors are as follows:

Rewards Consequences

-Self-respect and self-discipline -Visual or verbal correction/warning

-Verbal praise -Removed from situation

-Class and school wide incentives -Team interventions

-Positive communication home to parents -Contact parent/conference

-Safe learning environment -Referral to administration

-Assemblies and special activities

-Digital Summit Cash for Mountaineer Market, term

and yearly drawings


Due to federal regulations, all food and drinks must remain in the cafeteria. Students are allowed to have water in the halls and classrooms in a sealable, transparent container. Exemptions for medical purposes are allowed. Please notify the counseling center for any specific needs.


Public display of affection is unacceptable behavior. Students will be warned. If the behavior occurs repeatedly, parents will be notified and further disciplinary measures will take place.


Bullying, Hazing and Cyber-bullying, Abusive Conduct, and Retaliation are abusive and illegal behaviors that harm victims and negatively impact the school environment. Canyons School District strictly prohibits any student or school employee from engaging individually or collectively in any form of bullying, hazing, cyber-bullying, abusive conduct, or retaliation on school property, in conjunction with any school activity, or involving any person associated with a school activity regardless of where it occurs.  Mount Jordan Middle School adheres to the Canyons School District Board Policy regarding Bullying, Hazing and Cyber-bullying, Abusive Conduct and Retaliation (Policy 500.02.5).



Students are not permitted in the halls during class periods unless they are accompanied by a teacher or have a designated physical hall pass and have approval from an authorized staff member using our digital hall pass application. Students will be given 14 hallpasses per quarter to use with a staff member’s approval. Parents and guardians will be able to access their students’ hall pass usage at smartpass.app/app/parent-sign-up.  Please use this website to sign up for a parent/guardian account.  This access will provide information including how many hall passes have been issued and the amount of time spent out of class.  Once they have signed up, they will be redirected to the Parent/Guardian dashboard where they can add their student using an invite code provided by the school.  This code will be provided to parents in the first few weeks of school.



Possession of, but not limited to, a cellular phone, earbuds, air pods, watch etc. by a student is a privilege that may be forfeited by any student that uses their personal technology inappropriately (in a classroom, recording others without their permission, use in the restroom or locker room…). Personal electronics may not be used during class time (bell to bell). The following interventions will be implemented per class for the year:  

  • Intervention 1: Teacher takes the personal technology from the student and gives it back at the end of class.  Teacher reviews personal technology expectations with the student. This will be logged as a minor infraction for the student, and the parent will be contacted by the teacher.
  • Intervention 2: Teacher sends the personal technology to the main office. This is logged as Personal Technology Violation #1, a major infraction, an office referral, will be entered for the student and an administrator or office staff will call home.  The student can pick up their personal technology at 2:30 when the school day is over.  
  • Intervention 3 or more: Teacher sends the personal technology to the main office. This is logged as Personal Technology Violation #2 or #3, a major infraction, an office referral, for the student will be entered. A Parent or guardian must come to the school to retrieve the personal technology and a meeting with the student’s administrator may be requested.  
  • A student who possesses any type of personal technology shall assume responsibility for its care. At no time shall the school or district be responsible for preventing or recovering from theft, loss or damage to any personal technology brought onto school property. 



Student attendance and promptness is critical for academic success. Frequent absence or tardiness disrupts the educational process and reduces chances for interaction with teachers and peers, classroom participation, learning experiences, and other valuable opportunities. Once lost, these benefits cannot be regained. Please refer to the Canyons District website regarding Canyons School District attendance and truancy guidelines. Randomized attendance incentives will be conducted by the administration throughout the school year. 


First Offense

Warning with Phone Call Home

Second Offense

Lunch Detention with Ripple Effects on Attendance

Third Offense

In School Suspension

Fourth Offense

Parent Meeting

Fifth Offense

Other consequences as defined by the function of behavior (reverse suspension, walking to class, loss of passing period, SST referral, peer court…)

Tardy Policy per Quarter:

Three tardies in one class

Teacher contacts parents via email or phone with a response and has a conversation with the student.

Five tardies overall

Student Engagement Facilitator will call or email parents

Ten tardies overall

Student will complete Ripple Effects with our Student Engagement Facilitator

Fifteen tardies overall

Attendance conference with Administration with an appropriate consequence based on the function of their tardies (Examples: tardy trackers)

If tardies continue

SST referral and possible social worker referral, peer court or other interventions.


Student dress is an important aspect of the school environment. At Mount Jordan Middle School, we promote an atmosphere that is safe and free from distraction in an effort to provide the best learning environment possible for our students.  Mount Jordan Middle School adheres to Canyons School District Board Policy regarding Student Dress Standards (Policy 500.02.4).

  • Students shall dress in a manner suitable to the day’s activities consistent with the standards of health, safety, and acceptable behavior.
  • Student clothing and accessories must not present a health or safety hazard or distraction, which would disrupt the educational mission. Disruption is defined as reactions by other individuals to the clothing or adornment, which causes the teacher/administrator to lose the attention of students, to modify or cease instructional activities, or deal with student confrontations or complaints.
  • Clothing:  (See figure below.)
    • Must cover the body as outlined in the figure with a fabric that is not see through, with no viewable undergarments (waistbands and bra straps excluded). 
    • Shall be free from writing, images or symbols that:
      • are lewd, vulgar, profane, obscene, violent, or sexually suggestive.
      • advocate, represent, or promote racism, discrimination, violence or hate in any form.
      • Signifies or depicts gangs or illegal or criminal activities.
        • School officials will determine what constitutes “gang” clothing, colors, and paraphernalia after consultation with law enforcement agencies as needed. 
  • The student dress code standards include, but are not limited to the following:
    • All students shall wear clean clothing.
    • Shoes shall be worn at all times to ensure personal safety and hygiene.
    • Items that disrupt the educational mission shall not be allowed.
    • Hoods and hats are not allowed to be worn except on special occasions which will be clearly communicated.
    • Clothing that may draw undue attention, disrupt, or pose a health or safety issue, or interfere with the learning atmosphere, shall not be allowed.
    • Items which bear advertising, promotions and likeness of tobacco, e-cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs or which are contrary to the educational mission, shall not be allowed.
    • Personal items such as clothing, paraphernalia, jewelry, backpacks, gym bags, water bottles, etc., shall be free of writing, pictures, or any other insignias, which are crude, vulgar, profane, violent, or sexually suggestive.
    • Students shall comply with the laws that govern wearing military uniforms and insignias (Title 10) USC § 771-772, and Army Regulations 670 1 §29-4.
  • Accommodations must be made for students whose religious beliefs are substantially affected by dress code requirements.
  • School officials may require students to wear certain types of clothing for health and safety reasons in connection with certain specialized activities.
  • Students who violate dress code provisions may be subject to student discipline and due process procedures must be followed.



Students enrolled in Physical Education (PE) classes will be provided a uniform by Mount Jordan Middle School or expected to wear athletic attire aligned with school dress code standards. This uniform is required to be worn by all students during PE class. If you check out a uniform and do NOT return your uniform, you will be fined a replacement uniform cost. If you would like to purchase an extra uniform, you may do so. Laced shoes or sneakers need to be worn for PE.


Lockers are optional. If your student would like a locker, please have your student come to the main office to fill out a locker request form beginning September 3rd. Students will have until September 6th to check out lockers.  Students will have another opportunity to request a locker from January 27th  through January 31st.  Students may access their lockers before and after school and to and from lunch. Lockers are school property and are rented to students for storage of backpacks, schoolbooks and school equipment. Students are responsible for keeping their lockers neat and clean both inside and out. They must not write on, scratch, carve, dent or in any way deface or mutilate lockers. Students who violate these regulations will lose locker privileges and will be required to make payments sufficient to cover damages. School officials reserve the right to search any or all lockers. Illegal items found in lockers may be confiscated, and students to whom the lockers are assigned may face legal action. The school is not responsible for stolen items. 



Backpacks will be allowed in classrooms as lockers will be optional. Students without a locker will keep their backpacks with them during lunchtime.



Each student will be provided with a school-issued Chromebook and charging cord that will be returned at the end of the school year. Students are responsible for any loss or damage to the Chromebook and/or charging cord.  Students may not use a chromebook or computer from home.  The value of the technology is $250.00 (Chromebook

$250.00, components: Screen $50.00, Keyboard $50.00, Computer Shell/Case $50.00 per side, Charging Cord $30.00). Loss or damage of equipment may result in loss of future checkout privileges. Students will not be able to withdraw from enrollment at the school without returning the technology checked out to them.



Canyons School District is not responsible for any personal property, which is lost, stolen, vandalized, or which may be entrusted for storage and/or safekeeping by Canyons School District or any employee of Canyons School District. There is no provision that allows payment for any personal item that is taken from any Canyons School District school. 


Students may have a 12 hour dosage of their own prescription medication or over-the-counter medicine.  Any student in possession of medicine exceeding a 12 hour dosage is considered an illegal substance violation per district policy.

Medication may only be administered to a student by school personnel if:

  1. The student’s parent or legal guardian has provided a current written and signed request that medication be administered to the student during regular school hours. 
  2. The student’s physician, dentist, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant has provided a signed statement describing the method, amount, and time schedule for administration, and a statement that administration of medication by school employees during periods when the student is under the control of the school is medically necessary. 

The request for medication forms will be available in the main office. Please direct questions regarding medication at school to the main office at (801) 826-7420.



All visitors to Mount Jordan Middle School must pick up a visitor’s pass in the main office when they first arrive. Parents who want to meet with a teacher(s) before or after school need to check in at the main office first. Please notify teachers in advance to ensure they are available. Student visitors are not allowed at the middle school. The only exception would be when the school has invited other students into their building as part of the regular instructional process. The administration will follow State and District guidelines in this regard.


We do not accept deliveries of any kind for students (no Doordash, Uber, Uber Eats, pizza deliveries, balloons or flowers).



Skyward Family Access provides current grade, assignment, and attendance information for students and parents.  We encourage parents to monitor student’s grades through Skyward regularly. You may access and log on to Skyward at: http://skyward.canyonsdistrict.org If you have lost your login or password, please contact the main office in person as we cannot give passwords over the telephone. 



Canvas is our Learning Management System. Parents can sign up for a free account in order to view the resources and activities posted in their child’s courses that are available on Canvas. You can access our Canvas by using a browser on a computer, or by installing the Canvas Parent app on your mobile device.  

Parent Accounts Can:

Read announcements, view the calendar, and see the course syllabus.

  • Access a list of assignments with due dates.
  • See your child’s assignments
  • View your child’s scores on assignments in Canvas. Course grades will continue to be published in Skyward.
  • View your child’s scores on assignments in Canvas.
  • Use the Inbox to contact the teacher.
  • Set up notifications to get emails or texts for announcements, assignments, etc.
  • View the instructional content in the course. 

If you need to create a parent account please refer to the guides at: https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/parent-connections/parent-connections-canvas/



Communication from the school will come through parentsquare.  Please download the application.


Mount Jordan Middle School grades students based on mastery of concepts in each subject area.  Classwork/homework is designed to be practice for concepts being taught and is a tool for teachers, parents, and students to assess student progress towards mastery of these concepts and will constitute 20% of the final grade. Students will be able to turn in missing assignments until the end of the unit without penalty during each quarter. Summative assessments on concepts will be used to determine final level of mastery of standards and will constitute 80% of the final grade. Summative assessments can be taken (retakes are allowed) until a week before the term ends. Mount Jordan does not condone cheating/plagiarism and wants to help students make better choices. This means if a student cheats or plagiarizes, they will have an opportunity to redo assignments/assessments in a more structured setting, with a school official present. We hold students accountable for their learning. Letter grades will be assigned based on the following percentages:


A 100-93 B 82-80 D+ 69-67

A- 92-90 C+ 79-77 D 66-63

B+ 89-87 C 76-73 D- 62-60

B 86-83 C- 72-70 F 59-0


Citizenship grades will be based on the following rubric:


Climber Code Rubric

H – Honors

S – Satisfactory

N – Needs Improvement

U – Unsatisfactory

Be A Contributor

-Consistently completes work on time

-Pays attention and actively participates in classroom discussion

-Often completes work on time

-Pays attention and talks when appropriate

-Completes some work on time

-Does not pay attention to class activities and disrupts class

-Does not complete assignments

-Continually disrupts class and talks about unrelated topics

Be There, 

Be Ready

-No more than 2 unexcused tardies

-Consistently has required materials for class, including Chromebook and charging cord.

-3 unexcused tardies

-Often has required materials for class, including Chromebook and charging cord.

-4 unexcused tardies

-Sometimes has required materials for class, including Chromebook and charging cord.

Habitually tardy

(more than 5 unexcused)

-Rarely has required materials for class, including Chromebook and charging cord.

Be Safe

-No office referrals

-Follows class rules without being reminded

-No more than 1 office referral

-Follows class rules often

-No more than 2 office referrals

-Follows class rules some of the time

-3 or more office referrals

-Does not follow class rules/ignores rules

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Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org