MJMS School Community Council
October 21, 2020, 5:00pm
- Call meeting to order/roll call: In attendance- Matt Watts, Crystal Connors, Sierra Segura, Jaycee Wickham, Rachel Harward, Laura Nygaard, Marie Seager, Andrealinn Price, Jeff Platt, Shawnna Lazo, Cassie Smith, Diane Iman, Val Lybbert, Thomas Gibbons, Debbie Johnson, James Barron, Randale Cottam
September meeting minutes review and approval
Matt reviewed the SCC Bylaws that had questions from last month. James Barron made a motion to amend the SCC Bylaws that was explained by Matt Watts. Marie seconded the motion.
Marie Seager made a motion to approve the minutes from September’s meeting. Shawnna Lazo seconded the motion.
SCC district training
Debbie Johnson (Chair) took SCC Training Attendance. Members initialed.
Business items
- Data review -Matt reviewed our current school goals to improve the RI in the special education, ELL, and Hispanic demographics. We want to move 62% students to proficiency. We had 451 students below basic in MI. 162 are below basic on the RI. We have 144 students that are ELL students. 150 students did not take the RI. 139 students are enrolled in Math 180.
There will be a survey sent out for students to decide what incentives they want for moving in proficiency in the RI/MI. Online students can also get the incentive and will be offered for them.
2. TSSP/Land Trust/TSSA- Math 180, paraprofessionals, RI/MI incentives, and AVID summer conference are our biggest expenses on budget. We will be making some adjustments to the budget due to show the changes that are being made from last year.
School safety report
The Safety Committee meets once every quarter. Our fire drill was waived due to COVID-19. We have to do drills in the month of November. Shelter in place is on the 12th. Lockdown is on 24th.
RISE plan
Digital Citizenship- will be taking place in November.
Counselor’s Report
Schedule changes are happening for term 2. Counselors are visiting classrooms for mental health checks and awareness. Something new this year is a Canvas Course for students to access anytime for what they need.
Faculty Report
We are here. We are exhausted but we are here.
Fridays have been a huge emotional boost. We got a lot done and it is so needed! We need it!
Parents asked for updates on Parent teacher conferences. Some loved the phone calls and others asked for more time. Parents also want Skyward grades to be updated more often so grades can be as updated as possible.
Principal’s Report
Cell tower funds have a significant amount to spend. Matt would like to spend it on student incentives, field trips, and teacher incentives, for instance, teacher appreciation and breakfast. We will vote on cell tower spending next month.
Debbie made a motion to adjourn until next month. James seconded.
Adjourn until next meeting: November 18, 2020 @ 5:00pm