9351 South Mountaineer Lane, Sandy, UT 84070

Main Office 801-826-7400

Attendance Office 801-826-7411

Counseling Center 801-826-7407

SCC Meeting Minutes 10/20/21


Community School Facilitator
Lia Batchkoff
*Food Pantry
*Thanksgiving Meal
*Giving for Good
*Dental clinic
*Vision clinic
*Parental engagement

Dental/Vision clinic:

Food Pantry –

Parent Engagement:

TSSP Goals

Early Warning Systems Data – updates daily, D/F’s there is a lot of work to do there. Kids are scrambling to get things in before the end of the semester.

After school programs

Attendance again this year is weird, due to COVID. No consequences for not being in class, but try to get in.

Fall School Climate Survey – Not all kids responded, 626 responded, few more are coming in. Hoping to see that the 0 teachers expect you to go to college get below 11%. Positive attitude about school 33 low 220 high. “I feel like I belong at Mount Jordan” 24 don’t, 240 high. 3+ desired. “I feel like I matter” 83% said yes. 16% no. “How many teachers/administrators have a positive connection” 8% low. This survey will be given out again later on with hopes that students feel seen and understood.

Winter break and Spring the School Climate Survey will be given again. Trying to keep it short to 5 or less questions so we can see patterns.

We are a TSI School Based off RISE vs. RSMI These are things that will work on getting the RISE testing later on. This is all using the land trust and the full write up will be available next time.

We may need to do an amendment to adjust where the finances have been

AVID conference will be highly encouraged for all teachers this year. This will be June. The program has made a great students, and parent approval has been given. We are building up to be able to go. Mr. Watts will keep us up to date.

Bylaws – We just need to update the website with cancelled meetings. Elections need to be made the beginning of year, not the end of the year. Plans are updated.

Marie moved for the bylaws to be approved and updated to the website. All was in favor.

Safety drills are done four times a year. Safe walking route, ContentKeeper is used to monitor inappropriate material based on material. There is an issue with some of the students finding questionable content. Searching is done at the home computer, put into google doc, then search isn’t found on the ContentKeeper. It was brought up that the parents are unaware of how to monitor their students and content. (See website)

Social Emotion Learning – The program is being taken down, and there is a lot of change and there is a lot to be said and changes need to happen.

School Safety plan in email. Need to be done before December.

Digital Citizenship is already partly filled out and sent out in Friday Emails.
Ask your kids what their safety concerns are.
Next Meeting 11-17

Counselor’s report:
Student Center Tap – Guidance lessons
Everything goes with Utah graduate standards

8th grade Career Fair will come (looking for volunteers)

Debate tomorrow night.

Parent Night/parent square will be coming up. Will have translators and help.


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