9351 South Mountaineer Lane, Sandy, UT 84070

Main Office 801-826-7400

Attendance Office 801-826-7411

Counseling Center 801-826-7407

October 2, 2024, 3:30-4:26.

School Community Council Meeting Notes

Council Members Present: Ryan Durant, Diane Edtl, Amanda Sessions, Kim Adams, Aimee Payne, Cassie Smith, and Jacey Wickham

Non-Members Present: Crystal Connors, Albert DeAlba, Jana Mumford,

Members Not Present: Brooke Christensen, Sarah Heaton, Aita Kapriyelov, Marie Seager

  1. Roll Call and Welcome
  1. Approval of minutes from 9/4/24
    1. Mr. Durant distributed a copy of the minutes.  Cassie motioned to approve the minutes and everyone second.  They were approved. 
  1. Data Review
    1. Next time the MAP reading and math results will be shared and paperwork will be sent home to parents as well. 
    2. We looked at Attendance (64% are on track) 4 days is off track per quarter we have talked about providing more attendance incentives like no tardy parties weekly (they do it at Midvale Middle) and they let the person who has no tardies bring a friend.  We also give candy bars to students who are on track or at risk will get a candy bar (yellow and green) and then at the end of each quarter any student with perfect attendance will receive a taco truck. 
    3. D’s and F’s (we have 51% of our students off track).  We are recommending that teachers reach out to students about what they are failing and why they are failing.  Parents should be receiving weekly updates on grades.  Aimee and Diane shared they appreciated that and have had feedback from parents at PTC that they appreciate it. 
  1. TSSP/Land Trust
    1. Land Trust has not been update.  We should have 112,904 in Landtrust and 171,565 in TSSP however this isn’t reflecting and we will show the amounts once Ryan gets the accurate information. 
  1. Safety Report
    1. We did a Lockdown drill last month and had a lot of good conversation on how to keep students safe.
    2. November Drill will be a Secure Drill.  January will be a fire drill within 10 days from winter break and April will be an earthquake drill. 
    3. Doors are locked at 7:32 and everyone must enter through the main office to access the building and have to be buzzed in by the secretaries.  Before 7:32 the only doors that are open are the North, South and by the busses and main entrance. 
    4. Parents or Guardians will receive emails through phone email or text messages during an emergency. 
    5. Safe UT- App and tip line available 24/7
    6. Reunification plan will be communicated to parents when there is an emergency
    7. Volunteer Approval- SCC and PTSA yearly
    8. Community Partnerships- SRO’s, Choose Gang Free, Peer Court Program
    9. Went over School Safety Tips
    10. We have Canyons Family Center Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s for drug and alcohol abuse, fighting they can attend for discipline and also support for families that is an option for parents and students.
    11. We have 3 counselors and two school based therapists through odyssey house and hopeful beginnings where they are at school and check out of school. 
    12. Cassie motioned to approve the safety report.  Brooke seconded it and all approved.
  1. Safe Walking Routes
  1. Diane recognized a discrepancy on the map.  On the map it is David Street but in the text it says 3rd east.
  2. Last year we had a new crosswalk put in place so it is no longer a concern. 
  3. Mr. Durant said that the path that goes to Jordan High football field.  Sandy City asked if it could be a safe walking route.  We had said because it had overgrown bushes and no lights so we don’t feel comfortable with that but we have not heard back from them to make those changes
  4. Brooke said that she is concerned that the safe walking route goes right by the shelter on 90 south and I15 right below Harrison street because there has been a lot of violence there.  Could we start it after the shelter?  Mr. Durant will list this as a concern.  Mr. Durant said that they have to have a walking route if they don’t bus but we are unsure if there is housing after the shelter. 
  5. Brooke motioned to approve the safe walking route.  Diane seconded it and all approved. 
  1. Internet Safety and Digital Citizenship
    1. Jana is the digital citizenship coordinator
    2. House Bill 213 Requires that schools provide digital citizenship
    3. What is in place for filtering and supervision- Acceptable Use Policy, Filtering and Management and Supervision
      1. Filtering works by shopping, streaming services and pornography will be blocked
      2. Different filters by level.  Ex: Youtube is blocked at MS and ES but not HS
      3. Content Keeper, LanSchool, tcp.canyonsdistrict.org (parents can select their students filter level and get notifications on login time for student)
    4. Thrive time, CCA and CTE are all ways they get Digital Citizenship.
    5. Jana went over the different Thrive Time lessons that are linked to digital citizenship.  Parents can go online to view them.  The digital citizenship lessons are highlighted in Green.
    6. Digital Citizenship week is the week of fall break.  We will do a lesson the week before and daily announcements each day regarding digital citizenship and a trivia game.  Then we will have another digital citizenship lesson the following week on Friday during mountaineer time.
    7. Community Outreach through commonsense and Net reach.  These were shared during parent teacher conferences.
    8. We also share monthly messages through parent square and the principal
    9. Amanda moved to approve the plan, Kim seconded it and everyone approved it. 
  1. Counselor’s Report
    1. Counselors are back in the classrooms.  On the counselor website there is a list of lessons by grade level and when they will be doing it.  They also have been calling down all the 6th graders to meet and going over the ABG’s (Attendance, Behavior and Grades).  They are also running two groups.  Ms. Bates is running booting up for 6th grade for new students and Ms. Brinkerhoff is running one with ML’s.
  1. Faculty Report
    1. Ms. Payne said nothing has been brought to her attention of concern.
  1. Principal’s Report
    1. Mr. Durant said that a part of our plan is to survey students about a student climate.  Starting this year parents have to opt their student into taking a survey.  We will send out a copy with students during mountaineer time.  We will give a treat to students who return it whether it is marked yes or no.  Mr. Durant will send it home a message during the day and then have students return it by Tuesday and give it the next friday.  Ideally we would like a 100% of our students to participate. 
    2. It is suggested to send it out through parent square.  Mr. Durant will work on it.
    3. Sign up for an SCC training.  Ryan will be there at 10/3 @1 You have to do it to be part of the SCC
    4. Next meeting is November 6th
  1. Meeting Adjourn
    1. Ms. Smith made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Edtl made a second. The motion approved unanimously.
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