9351 South Mountaineer Lane, Sandy, UT 84070

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MJMS School Community Council

March 17, 2021 5:00pm

  1. Call meeting to order/roll call

Matt Watts, Debbie Johnson, Shawnna Lazo, Marie Seager, James Barron, Jacey Wickham, Crystal Connors, Val Lybert, Rachel Harward, Diane Iman, Sierra Segura, Cassie Smith

2. February meeting minutes review and approval

Debbie motioned to approve the February minutes as written. Val seconded the motion.

  • Business items
    1. TSSP/Land Trust/TSSA (due April 13)
      • Budget for the year is almost solidified for next year. We do not yet have our official budget number for next year so it is still able to be moved around.
      • During the 2021-2022 school year we want to move 15% of students to proficiency from fall to spring in the RI (reading inventory); move 20% of students to proficiency in the MI (math inventory). That is a part of our school and Land Trust goals. We will continue to implement student rewards for doing well with the RI/MI but is not coming out of Land Trust/TSSP budget. RI and MI budget are similar to each other.
      • We will focus again next year on Focus Notes and Structured classroom discussions. Teachers turn in evidence each month of this happening in class. Teachers will also get IPLC meetings with a coach and 2 planning days to pay for substitutes that are paid from this budget.
      • Providing Read 180 support intervention; paraprofessional supports in Math and Reading; English Language Development teacher/skills; AVID/WICOR strategies; AVID Summer Institute fees.
      • Technology enhancements were added as a flexible option to be used for teacher or student needs. As well as a small portion towards teacher hourly rate to work with students on academic and enrichment after school for tutoring and student academic help.
      • Math 180 Program software- we are still waiting to know how much will be covered by district verses how much we are in charge of buying.
      • Buying out teacher prep periods comes from both TSSP and Land Trust. This is where teachers are paid to not have a class period of preparation time so that more elective classes are able to be offered to students which helps with flexible schedules and smaller class sizes.
      • At the end of each quarter for the 2021-2022 school year, 75% of students will be on track with D’s and F’s for graduation. We will have Friday’s back next year so we will have Mountaineer Time designated for social emotional learning as well as academic support time. Teachers will continue to receive professional development on social emotional learning and AVID strategies. Monthly updates will be given to teachers and SCC about our progress on our goals.
      • Marie Seager motioned to make the adjustment to include a teacher stipend for an IPLC between ELD, Read 180, and Math180 teachers as they do not have the same prep times to meet so they are meeting on their own time. Debbie seconded.

This budget needs to be signed by every member on SCC so all will come to the school to sign before spring break.

3. Counselor’s Report

All course requests cards have been turned in and they will begin preparing the schedule for next year.


4. Faculty Report

Glad to keep online Friday’s for the school year. The parents are supportive of our planning time on Fridays and have enjoyed their experiences. There are a few concerns of what we are missing when we come back to in person Fridays next year. But we’ll address those as they come up.


5. Principal’s Report

  • Adjourn until next meeting: April 21, 2021 @ 5:00pm

Debbie moved to close the meeting and adjourn until the next meeting listed above. Matt seconded the motion.

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