January 8, 2025, 3:30-4:17.
School Community Council Meeting Notes
Council Members Present: Ryan Durant, Diane Edtl, Brooke Christensen, Aimee Payne, Kim Adams, Jacey Wickham
Non-Members Present: Randall Seltz
Members Not Present: Cassie Smith, Sarah Heaton, Aita Kapriyelov, Marie Seager, Amanda Sessions
- Roll Call and Welcome
- Approve Minutes from November Meeting
- Ms. Christensen made a motion to approve the minutes. Ms. Edtl seconded the motion. The motion passes unanimously.
- Business Items
- MAP Data
- Mr. Durant presented data from the MAP tests that students have taken. MAP tests student proficiency in reading and math. Mr. Durant is continuing to review and analyze the data from the test to determine which students are making the expected growth toward proficiency.
- Mr. Durant said the data suggests we are on track for reaching our TSSP goals.
- MAP Data
- Summer Bridge Data
- Mr. Durant presented data from the Early Warning Indicators that compared 6th grade students who attended Summer Bridge and students who did not. The data suggest that students who attended Summer Bridge are more “on track” than students who did not.
- Ms. Payne and Ms. Christensen asked how Mount Jordan and the elementary schools promote the program to parents and elementary teachers. Mr. Durant said 5th grade teachers promote the program to specific students who might need additional support in their transition to middle school.
- TSSP/Land Trust
- Budget
- The next big budget item to consider is the AVID Summer Conference in June. Mr. Durant is going to prioritize sending teachers who have not been to the conference in the past.
- The majority of our TSSP funding pays for the salaries of additional teachers. Our early enrollment projections suggest that we will have an increase in FTE from the district, which may free up some funding for other programs.
- Ms. Christensen asked if the school has applied for CDB grants from the city and county. Mr. Durant said we would like to know more information about this program.
- Proposed TSSP Goals for Next Year
- Mr. Durant presented a rough draft of TSSP goals for next year. The major difference is an increase in achievement by 5%. Mr. Durant also said he would like to return to paying for more student rewards and incentives out of TSSP and Land Trust.
- Mr. Durant asked the committee if it was feasible to continue to survey students about their feelings or perceptions of feeling safe and having an adult in the building that they trust. The hurdle we’ve experienced this year is that only around 200 students returned the permission slip so that they could participate in the survey. Mr. Durant said he is continuing to look for ways we can gauge student perceptions of safety and be compliant with school board policy.
- Budget
- School Safety Report
- Mr. Seltz discussed the upcoming planned fire drill on Friday. Mr. Seltz said the next drill is an earthquake drill in April.
- Counselor’s Report
- Ms. Wickham said we are preparing for registration for next year. We are communicating with our feeder elementary schools and helping 8th grade students register for high school for next year.
- Faculty Report
- Student Personal Technology Review
- Ms. Payne presented data she collected from a survey she created and sent to Mount Jordan’s faculty. The survey suggested that faculty members are concerned about student personal technology use during school, especially instructional time. Many faculty members expressed that they would like the school to update the policy to ban them during the school day, not just instructional time.
- Ms. Christensen asked what types of changes the administration and faculty would like to see in the policy.
- Ms. Christensen volunteered to create a survey.
- Student Personal Technology Review
- Meeting Adjourn
- Ms. Christensen made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Adams made a second. The motion passed unanimously.