9351 South Mountaineer Lane, Sandy, UT 84070

Main Office 801-826-7400

Attendance Office 801-826-7411

Counseling Center 801-826-7407

Mt. Jordan School Community Council

January 15, 2020: Conference Room

5:00 pm


  1. Call meeting to order/roll call:

    Kaitlin Portzline, Jacey Wickham, Matt Watts, Beki Cowdell, Sierra Segura, Katie Nelson, Rachel Harward, Emily Buma, James Baron, Debbie Johnson, Sara Lee, Gema Ortiz

  2. Business Items: Last month’s minutes were approved through email.

    A. Data Review: Math inventory goal is to have 126 students (14%) move from below/basic to proficient/highly on the MI. 124 students were proficient on the math inventory in the fall. In the winter it jumped up to 221 students. The reading inventory goal is that 70% of students will score proficient or higher. In the fall, 55% of students were proficient, and in the winter, 58% of students were proficient.

    B. CSIP/LandTrust: Matt discussed and showed the 2019-2020 CSIP goals.

    C. TSSA funds

    D. TSI Plan

    E. Timeline

    F. Safety and Digital Citizenship

           1. Safe Walking Route: Same routes as last year. One concern is the crosswalk at 90th South currently has crossing guards for the elementary hours. SCC has added our concern for extended time for the crossing guard posted during Mt. Jordan Middle hours. Another idea mentioned was providing students with bike lights or headlamps. Sierra spoke about whether students should ride Trax instead of walking and will be checking in with UTA about possibilities for our students ride availability. During drop off and pick up hours we would like to have a right turn only sign in the south parking lot on Mountaineer land and 9400 south. This would have drivers go along Mountaineer Lane, by the bus barn and up to 300 east.

  3. Discussion Items:                                                                                  A. 6th Grade Honors: Katie explained that the current 6th grade honors math classes do not represent our student population. She displayed the fall math inventory data and showed that there are only a small amount of students that are ready for an honors class, and the majority of other students are performing on an average level. She then showed the winter data and showed that the other classes also have students meeting the advanced proficiency level. It was also discussed that having these students distributed throughout all of the classes could benefit the learning of all students. Students could do the “are you ready for more” extension activities and earn an honors designation. Everyone was in support of this change.

  4. Counselor’s Report: 8th grade is finishing up College & Career Readiness this month. Registration for next year will be opening soon. Professional Development this Friday is an LGBTQ+ training for teachers.

  5. Faculty Report: Emily re-emphasized the MI data and successes she is seeing in her math classroom.

  6. Principal’s Report: Nothing further to address.

  7. Agenda Items for Next SCC Meeting: Follow up with TSSP.

  8. Gema motioned to adjourn. Sara seconded.
    Adjourn until next meeting: February 19, 2020 @ 5:00 pm Mt. Jordan Middle School Conference Room

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