9351 South Mountaineer Lane, Sandy, UT 84070

Main Office 801-826-7400

Attendance Office 801-826-7411

Counseling Center 801-826-7407

MJMS School Community Council

February 17, 2021



  1. Call meeting to order/roll call

Matt Watts, Debbie Johnson, Shawnna Lazo, Sierra Segura, Cassie Smith, Diane Iman, Crystal Connors, James Barron, Rachel Harward, Marie Seager, Val Lybbert, Whitney Bates, Tom Gibbons

2. January meeting minutes review and approval

Debbie motioned to approve the January minutes as written. Tom seconded the motion.

  • Business items

3. Data review- Review of reading inventory (RI) and math inventory (MI) using Reading 180 (R180) and Math 180 (M180) programs. Both programs are showing growth. The expected growth from fall to winter is 50 points. All MJMS students who took the test showed a lexile growth of 30.6 points on average. R180 students showed 49.65 point lexile growth and non-R180 students lexile growth was 27.86 points. M180 students showed 96 point lexile growth and non-M180 students lexile growth was 76.05 points.

Counselors will move students with lower RI and MI scores into the R180 & M180 programs as needed. The TSI plan category breakdown for R180 & M180 lexile growth on average is as follows;

Students w/disabilities (SWD) – R180 40.62 points, M180 73.63 points

English language learners (ELL) – R180 42.09 points, M180 69.45 points

Hispanic – R180 37.83 points, M180 75.5 points

Pacific islanders – R180 10.06 points, M180 108.28 points

4. TSSP/Land Trust/TSSA- School focus on AVID; move 15% of students to proficiency between fall and spring RI.

Action Plan for next year’s Land Trust/TSSA budget:

Provide .50 FTE to pay for resource teachers resulting in $42,000.

AVID Summer Institute- we will not be attending the big conference due to travel restrictions but are looking to bring AVID to our school this summer.

Provide Para-Professional Support to pay for a full time with benefits vs multiple part time ($12,000 for 17 hour para, $37,000 for 35 hour w/benefits).

Provide 2 days per teacher for AVID planning days and this pays for the substitute. We will not be having online Friday next year so we will use these again next year.

Provide incentives for RI with a cap.

Academic goal: at the end of each quarter of the 2021-2022 school year, 75% of MJMS students will be on track with D’s and F’s for graduation.

Action plan:

provide after school program with transportation ($50,000 without transportation) using TSSA or Land Trust. Provide a possible tracker/mentor through the para costs. Flex and Stretch time on Friday’s (this would be new to set up for next year) there is no cost but it would be like an extra homework lab vs reward time for having no missing work.

School Climate Survey Action Plan: during Mountaineer time we use as social emotional learning, currently paid by district

Mountaineer Market $1800 from Land Trust

AVID Summer Bridge (1 week summer program for students coming in from 5th grade to 6th grade) would pay around 4 teachers for time and preparation using $15,000.

  1. Cell tower funds
  2. School safety
  3. Digital Citizenship


5. Timeline-The USBE website where we need to post our final report from the previous school year has been down. Matt will continue to explore other options for getting them the report.

6. Counselor’s Report- Registration for in person students will be tomorrow and throughout next week. Jordan High will have their own registration process for our 8th graders to complete on their own.

7. Faculty Report- Shout out to staff and Matt for getting the decision to call today an online day last night instead of early this morning so we knew what was happening.

10. Principal’s Report- Parent teacher conferences on Monday and Tuesday of next week via phone calls. Nominating for Teacher of the Year ends on March 5th.

Debbie moved to adjourn the meeting. Matt seconded.

11. Adjourn until next meeting: March 17, 2021 @ 5:00pm

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