9351 South Mountaineer Lane, Sandy, UT 84070

Main Office 801-826-7400

Attendance Office 801-826-7411

Counseling Center 801-826-7407

  1. Mt. Jordan School Community Council April 2, 2020: Zoom Video Conference 3:00 pm
  2. Call meeting to order/roll call: Matt Watts, Emily Buma, Sierra Segura, Rachel Harward, James Barron, Debbie Johnson, Jaycee Wickham, Sara Lee, Gema Ortiz, Rebekah Cowdell in attendance.
  3. Adopt/Amend Agenda

    James made a motion to approve agenda, Debbie seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

  4. Business Items:

    A. TSSP: Matt discussed the Action Plans for next year’s TSSP expenditures. The money will be used on the following items:

    • purchase math 180
    • math inventory and reading inventory incentives
    • AVID binders and supplies
    • ESP attendance monitor

    B. Land Trust:Matt discussed the Action Plans for next year’s Landtrust expenditures. Money will be spent on the following items:

    • Buying out teacher prep periods to provide students more access to interventions.
    •  Chromebooks for Math 180 support.
    • Some money will be spent to provide a .5 FTE to hire an additional teacher.
    • Some money will be spent on registration and travel for AVID summer institute.
    • Provide substitutes for AVID WICOR planning days for teachers.
    • Paraprofessionals for classroom support.
    • Wellness club
    • Mountaineer market
    •  Gema made a motion to approve the TSSP and Landtrust plans. Sara seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously 
  5. Principal’s Report: Matt, Jaycee, and Emily commented about how much we miss the students and how things have been transitioning through online learning. Parents thanked Matt and the present faculty for their support and communication to parents.
  6. James made a motion to adjourn, Gema seconded the motion.
  7. Adjourn until next meeting: If needed, we can do a virtual meeting in May.
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