9351 South Mountaineer Lane, Sandy, UT 84070

Main Office 801-826-7400

Attendance Office 801-826-7411

Counseling Center 801-826-7407

School Community Council Meeting – April 10, 2024


Council Members Present: Ryan Durant, Shawna Lazo, Cassie Smith, Nicole Jaynes

Non-Members Present: Randall Seltz

Members Not Present: Ashley Anjewierden, Harmony Jones, Marie Seager


  1. Roll Call and Welcome


  1. Approve March Meeting Minutes
    1. Cassie made a motion to approve the minutes from March. Shawna seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.


  1. Business Items
    1. TSSP/Land Trust
      1. Ryan said we are projected to carry over $5,500 for Land Trust and $6,700 for TSSA for next year, which is less than the 10% limit.
      2. Ryan discussed the Land Trust and TSSA projections for next year. He has received two different numbers that are roughly $7,000 different.
      3. Shawna asked about how FTE for teachers has been impacted by a reduction in the overall student population. Ryan said we were able to keep all of our current teachers without sharing them with another school.
    2. ELEVATE
      1. The initial team was expanded and has become the implementation team. The team is composed of staff from several different grades and departments. The team met to discuss the focus and goals for the ELEVATE grant resources.
      2. The school is going to focus on doing the things we’re already doing but in a more effective way. We are going to focus on implementing AVID strategies and improving the PLC structures already in use throughout the building.
      3. Goal 1: Increase the Median Growth Percentile in ELA from 43 to 62, from year 1 to year 3.
      4. Goal 2: Increase the Median Growth Percentile in math from 37 to 6, from year 1 to year 3.  
      5. Goal 3: Increase ELL WIDA proficiency will increase from 17% to 25%, from year 1 to year 3.
      6. Administration will present the plan to the Mount Jordan faculty on April 19.


  1. Safety Report
    1. Great Utah Shakeout in April


  1. Counselor’s Report
    1. Counselors have finished all of the guidance lessons and curriculum for the year. The career fair is tomorrow for our 8th grade students. Nicole discussed the diverse occupations that will be represented in the career fair and will hopefully pique the interest of most students.


  1. Shawna made a motion to cancel the May meeting. Cassie seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.


  1. Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Shawna. Cassie seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned. Unanimous approval.

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