9351 South Mountaineer Lane, Sandy, UT 84070

Main Office 801-826-7400

Attendance Office 801-826-7411

Counseling Center 801-826-7407

Digital Back to School Night

We are so excited to be back in school and see our students again! Thank you for a great first week! We are sad that we cannot have our annual Hot Dog Hello and in person back to school night, it is something we always look forward to. We hope that we will soon be able to have activities such as this again. We still wanted to give you a chance to meet the teachers and put faces with names. In this document (Back to School Videos) you will find links to videos of the teachers introducing themselves as well as a video tour of the school. We included all of the teachers so you can watch as few or as many as you’d like. Thank you again for all of your support! If you want to contact any of the teachers you can do so through Skyward or you can find their contact information on the school website. Don’t hesitate to reach out.

Take Care!

MJMS Administration 


¡Buenas tardes, montañistas!

Estamos muy emocionados de regresar a la escuela y verlos de nuevo. ¡Gracias por una fantástica primera semana! Nos da tristeza que no podemos tener nuestra noche de Bienvenida y Hot dogs en persona, es algo que siempre nos da mucha emoción hacer. Esperamos que pronto podamos tener estas actividades de nuevo. A pesar de esto, queremos darles la oportunidad de conocer a los profesores y ponerle caras a los nombres. En este documento (Back to School Videos) encontrarán las ligas para los videos de las presentaciones de los maestros y el video del tour de la escuela. Incluimos a todos los maestros para que ustedes elijan los que quieran ver. 

¡Gracias nuevamente por todo su apoyo! 

Si quieren ponerse en contacto con cualquier maestro pueden hacerlo a través de skyward o pueden encontrar su información de contacto en el sitio de la escuela. ¡No duden en comunicarse con nosotros! 


Administración MJMS

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org