9351 South Mountaineer Lane, Sandy, UT 84070

Main Office 801-826-7400

Attendance Office 801-826-7411

Counseling Center 801-826-7407

November 6, 2024, 3:30-4:17.

School Community Council Meeting Notes

Council Members Present: Ryan Durant, Diane Edtl, Kim Adams, Brooke Christensen, Aimee Payne, Nicole Brinkerhoff, Amanda Sessions and Cassie Smith

Non-Members Present: Crystal Connors

Members Not Present:Aita Kapriyelov, Jacey Wickham

  1. Roll Call and Welcome
  1. Meeting Notes
    1. Meeting Notes from October were approved
  1. TSSP/Land Trust
    1. Ryan went over the TSSP Budget.  We received more than we expected and we can either pay for more after school program or send teachers to AVID.
      1. The district is trying to limit the number of people they are sending to trainings because we sent 90 teachers to AVID over the summer and it might be cheaper to come here
      2. Ryan shared that sending teachers to conferences builds community and treats them like professionals
      3. Brooke asked if next year it will be a bigger budget.  We will hope so but will see since they increased from 3% to 4%
  1. MAP Growth Data from Fall
    1. Our previous goals were for RI and MI but we changed it to MAP reading and math
    2. After talking to other district professionals they don’t have a proficient so we are looking at who is Average or Above
    3. Reading we are at 57% Average or Above and Math we are at 53% Average or Above
    4. We plan to send home information to parents about growth and scores and the test. 
    5. Brooke’s suggestion is if it is possible to tell the kids that this is actually where they are at.  Her son didn’t try.  It has been a learning year and we will for sure
  1. Safety Update
    1. Secure Drill on November 15th we will let them know if we are put into secure then this is what we should be doing as opposed to a big disruption.
    2. Kim said that one thing she saw was a fight on school grounds on the grass area by the busses after school. 
    3. No flashing light at 90th for kids or crossing guard
    4. Brooke brought up that during lunch kids lunches are being stolen and kids are fighting and trying to jump over the balcony
    5. Cassie said that parents drop off at the street because it is too hard for them to go in
  1. Counselor Report
    1. Met with all of the 6th graders and will start 8th graders next month
    2. Continue to do guidance lessons this month is financial aid for 8th graders which prepares them for their meeting 1 on 1
    3. They got to meet with the instructor for the Navy (not a recruitment for the military) but it is a leadership program and a good program for kids who do not have a thing.  They are taking kids from other schools as well.  It can lead to scholarships and officer positions if they choose that path and they will be advertising it in their meetings
  1. Teacher Report
    1. In the SAC meeting is the cell phone policy.  The way we have it is great when it is done correctly.  There is a lot of push back because not all teachers are following it.  In April teachers suggested no cellphones in school because of filming fights, taking/ posting pictures.  Aimee was wondering if parents are interested in looking at changing the policy. 
  1. Principal Report
    1. Tik Tok Challenges are a problem.  The new tik tok is about pantsing.

We don’t have to approve anything in December because we have already done our December approval.  It is up to the SCC if we hold it in December or not.  Cassie asked if we needed to meet in December to discuss the cell phone policy.  Mr. Durant said this is probably a discussion for next year.  Aimee said there was a ton of backlash from Jordan School District when they banned it.  Amanda Sessions moved to cancel the December meeting it was seconded and approved.  Our next meeting will be January 8th at 3:30. 

Brooke motioned to adjourn and it was approved. 

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