Mount Jordan Middle School SCC Minutes 2/16/2022
Land Trust and TSSA
- No allocations yet for 2022-2023
- $85,900 still to go. Some technology and 22 teachers and admin registered for Avid Institute. Need 10% or less left.
Land Trust:
- $83, 000 left. This will cover a teacher and some of the after-school programs.
- Leftovers will go for technology and IPAD/MacBooks for teachers.
- Goals and action steps for next year.
- Hire additional interventionists or allow them to work more hours
- Provide teacher stipends for collaboration on social-emotional curriculum
- Provide additional substitutes for teacher collaboration
- Purchase additional textbooks
- Allow students to attend field trips
- Purchase additional supplies that support goals
- Pay additional teachers hour rate to work with students after school
- Allow more teachers to attend conferences
TSI Update:
- Keeping same goals pretty much as last year.
- Reading:15% to proficiency
- Action steps:
- Implementation of Read 180 strategically placed in reading classes
- Rewards given based on growth/proficiency three times during school year
- Content IPLC’s will focus on assessments using AVID strategies with teachers turning in monthly evidence
- Implementation of AVID WICOR and critical reading strategies
- Provide
- Two AVID WICOR planning days during school year,
- Paraprofessionals in classes and
- Incentives for motivating students to track reading progress
- Expenditures:
- Land Trust
- $42,000 to hire FT special education teacher
- $9000 for substitutes (teacher planning days)
- $500 for AVID curriculum and materials
- $8000 AVID registration
- $20,000 Interventionists
- $2500 Technology for students and teachers
- $4000 Hourly pay for after school programs
- $750 Stipends for Read 180 and Multilingual IPLC
- Math: 20% to proficiency
- Action Steps
- Intervention classes for students in “basic” category on MI
- Rewards for growth
- Buying teacher prep periods to allow opportunities for students to take invention classes
- Continue to find ways of enhancing after school program to provide academics and enrichment
- Expenditures
- Land Trust
- $11,000 Buy teacher prep periods
- $2000 stipends for after school coordinators
- $20,000 Hourly rate for after school programs
- $5000 Curriculum and materials
- $20,000 Interventionist
- $2000 technology for teacher/student technology
- $10,000 Buy teacher prep periods
- $750 stipends for Math 180 IPLC
- Pay .50 FTE for additional counselor
- Mountaineering
- Action steps
- Continue keeping social/emotional/digital citizenship lessons, PBIS and Mountaineering Market and teachers receiving PD on SEL and AVID lessons to teach during mountaineering time.
- Implement AVID school wide system of note taking
- Start incentives for increased GPA or fewer D/F’s –
- Provide paraprofessional support in classes such as science and social studies
- Provide substitutes for team planning time each semester (as needed)
- Begin AVID summer bridge program for 5th graders transitioning to 6th grade
- PBI incentive Reboot
- Expenditures
- Land Trust
- $20,000 Hourly rate for after school program
- $10,000 hour rate for AVID summer Bridge
- $1800 Mountaineer Market incentives
- AVID binder/planner (cost estimates TBD)
- $2000 AVID Summer Bridge materials
- $3500 Materials for after school program
- $1500 stipends for SEL/Digital Citizenship coordinator
- .50 FTE for additional counselor
- We are taking 20+ admin to AVID. Virtual Fridays most likely will not be happening next year.
- We haven’t been able to get substitutes, so looking at keeping in $9000 to help get those substitutes where needed.
- Consider hiring 3.5 special education teachers, but it’s hard to find half time.
- Debating on having “Provide incentive for growth and proficiency on Reading Inventory” on the goals so they can be used.
- AVID binders/planners (starting next year): Mr. Watts is planning to get printed at the district, so it will be less expensive closer to $2000-3000. Available in the Mountaineer for replacement planners.
- Suggestion given to keep AVID planners as small as possible.
- Goal is to do more checks during mountaineering time with students to track academic progress during each semester.
- New planner to be given at beginning of new semester.
- Special Education and para-professional teachers are just not applying. Low pay being a main reason for this.
- TSSP – New counselor that needs to be trained before moving on. They are part of the TSSP, is a half teacher, around 24000. We haven’t got FTE this year, and part of the funds will debate on what comes up after that. We will have those numbers for next meeting.
- FTE will be given by March 1 so we can finalize.
- Land Trust
- Action steps
- Land Trust
- Action Steps
- Land Trust
- Action steps:
- Reading:15% to proficiency
School Climate
- Activities have been tough, so focusing on the markets upstairs/downstairs.
- District is getting SEL stuff and AVID training is happening.
- Digital notebooks and planners will be available.
- Rewards for increased GPA.
- Paraprofessional support will stay in although difficult to hire for.
- Parent Survey Results (187 surveys received)
- Averages are a little above district average on all the areas, except for, “I feel my child is safe at school.” There were a few behavior issues at the beginning of the year, however, that has been a big focus currently. Having the emails come from the school would be easier to see than before the district.
Counselors Report: (Whitney)
- Registration for next year is underway.
- Instead of the 6th graders coming to the school, counselors went and visited the schools and did a presentation then went and picked up the request cards.
- 7-8th grade request cards are coming home, you can see those coming next year. It empowers students to think about their choices by having to put them into skyward.
- Continual Self-Esteem for Girls started – this allows a community for girls to talk about things
- 7-week group – lessons in self-identity, stress management and friendships
- To have your daughter sign up, reach out to the counselors.
- References are from teachers, and emails from teachers.
- Guidance lessons – Guidance lessons are given in 7th grade more college and career readiness. Character literature using stories to share experiences. Tied into ELA classes.
- Field Day – 4/14
- Career Day – 4/18
- 12 different presenters for different jobs found so far.
Faculty Report: (Lindsay)
- Midterm is today so everyone is turning in their assignments.
- English next assessment is in one month.
- Big thing right now is getting through midterm. Opens March 8 for the assessment.
Community Report: (Lia)
- Parent Square is about to open out as the Community platform
- Vision Clinic March 31st
- Wellness Room is about to open for students to go retreat when a reset to happen. Hopefully to prevent office referrals happen.
- Pantry for students to go to for the weekend food bags for hygiene or food.
Next Meeting will be Wednesday, March 16, 2022 at 5 p.m. MST.
Meeting adjourned.
Marie Seager
Shawnna Lazo
Matt Watts
Crystal Connors
Debbie Johnson
Lindsay Maxfield
Val Caravella
Cassie Smith
Whitney Bates
Tom Gibbons
Lia Batchkoff
James Barron